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Inspired by women

Masai Stories

MASAI STORIES er portretter som omhandler kvinneliv gjennom tanker og refleksjoner fra engasjerte og lidenskapelige kvinner. Historiene handler om diversitet, åpenhet, om mot og ikke minst om friheten til å være- og velge seg selv. 

Louisa Lorang

I hjertet av København, blant brosteinsbelagte gater og fargerike fasader, finner du Louisa Lorang – en kvinne som står for kreativitet, lidenskap og mot til å være seg selv. Som kokk, kokebokforfatter, TV-personlighet og trebarnsmor er hun en historieforteller som både berører og inspirerer.

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Julia Lahme

The Danish author, trend forecaster, and founder of a communications agency, holds many titles and believes in women’s rights to encompass more than what fits into a single box. She is a mother of two, married to the love of her life, and an outspoken feminist.


Marie Vesterbæk

Maries ambisjon som designer er å skape klær som varer, slik at de ikke er noe du bruker én sesong og deretter kaster. Det er viktig for henne at man kan ha klærne i en årrekke, slik at de på den måten er bærekraftige.

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Purnina (Punta) Bhalla

Puntas historie er også historien om Masai, og det er historien om et mer enn 30 år langt profesjonelt samarbeid som med tiden er blitt til mye mer enn det.


Elisabeth Nielsen

Den dansk/ukrainske pianisten Elisabeth Nielsen begynte sin musikalske reise og ble fascinert av piano da hun var 5 år gammel. For henne er musikken et språk som får energi i møtet med publikum.

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Masai 30 Years

De fantastiske menneskene som har vært med på reisen er i høy grad en del av den suksessen. Derfor har vi invitert ni kvinner, både kolleger og kunder, til en åpen, ærlig og personlig prat om det å fylle 30, om å være kvinne i dag og om hvorfor Masai er noe helt for seg selv. Alt dette er samlet til en fin historie som føles som den helt riktige måten å feire Masai på.


Cristina Santos

Hos oss i MASAI er det viktig å ha langvarige relasjoner med de menneskene som er en del av prosessen som skaper klærne våre. En nøkkelperson i denne prosessen er Cristina Santos, som har jobbet med Masai og produksjon av våre jerseyplagg i over 23 år.


Birgitte Lund

Jeg har jobbet som billedkunster de siste 36 årene. I bildene mine er jeg opptatt av lyset, av det taktile, av fargene og av alle lagene jeg bygger bildene mine opp av. Jeg setter stor pris på den langsomme prosessen og på å fordype meg i hvert bilde.


Maude McNair Rahbek

Maude is Masai’s production manager, so her responsibility includes the entire process of making each piece of clothing. Maude has extensive knowledge of textiles and manufacturing techniques, and her dedication to crafting the best possible garment from the very best materials available is a daily inspiration. Maude has travelled the world and is in close contact with the people who take the design and turn it into a beautiful fashion statement.


Tanja Marjatta Juhl

Tanja is one of the creative women who help create the styles that go into the collection. Prints have always featured strongly in Masai’s DNA, and we take pride in creating beautiful, vibrant, artistic prints that are always unique to us.


Sarah Kronbach Hermanstad

Sarah is Masai’s retail manager. That means Sarah’s main responsibility is Masai’s shops, which includes the customer experience and contact for each woman entering a Masai shop.


Anna Normann

Anna Norrman is actually Swedish, but loves Denmark and the Danes so much that she decided to set up a boutique B&B deep in the Danish countryside, a place where imperfections are celebrated and where the Danish obsession with the colour white is truly challenged.

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Anne Dvinge

Founder of LOW-FI Concerts, Anne Dvinge, grew up with music and with the will to always get up no matter how hard she falls. That drive and, not least, a passion for music, led to her creating Denmark's biggest platform for home concerts, an enterprise that makes sense more than ever now in a time of cultural restrictions and lack of community.

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Loa Dalgaard Worm

Ever since she was a small child, Loa Dalgaard Worm has wanted to save the world. Today, she’s able to come closer to achieving that goal, step by step and day by day, through collaborating closely with companies all over the world to put in place ambitious sustainability strategies.

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Tina Hueg

Gwyneth Paltrow is a big fan, and many others are also loving Danish Cocoon Tea Artisans’ wonderful organic teas. Tina Hueg is the mastermind behind the company; three years ago she left her permanent job behind with nothing more than a love of tea and a passion to pursue her dream. She managed to create a success story based on a clear recipe that’s not just about tea, but also about passion, a love of others and always about giving more than you take.

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Mille Bang

Mille Bang is studying theology and she believes that the love of God is what unites us all. Faith is the backbone of her life, and by applying Kierkegaard’s philosophy, she is able to put Christianity into a modern context that tackles everything from social media to the art of loving others.

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Veronica Hodges

Paper artist Veronica Hodges collects paintings of women from the 1800s, painted by women. She believes there’s an honesty and sensuality to them that differs from when men paint women. She also believes that happiness is a form of creativity and that creativity is just like a muscle – you need to exercise it regularly.

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Carina Simons

Carina Simons has always followed her heart, in both her life choices and her career. This led to her joining the Red Cross, where she currently is Marketing Manager for Red Cross recycling, raising money for the most vulnerable groups in Danish society. Last year Masai and the Red Cross entered a special partnership whereby Masai customers bring old Masai clothes to their local Masai store, and Masai then sends them on to the Red Cross charity stores. As a thank you all Masai's customers receive a discount on their next purchase.

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Inspired by women

Masai stories are portraits of women's lives, presented through thoughts and reflections from a group of dedicated and passionate women. The stories reflect on diversity, openness, courage and, not least, the freedom to be and want to be yourself. Through meetings these women, who all inspired us with their life choices and creativity, we wanted to create a special insight into women's lives. Our stories portray the strength and beauty that emerges when your life passions are allowed to blossom, and when you choose to listen to yourself and pursue your dreams.

But the stories also reflect on community and that notion that we're all stronger together, and also on how we can improve at find inspiration and strength in each other. We'd like to do our bit by putting women more on the agenda, so that together we create new and equal opportunities for each and every one of us. So, this isn't just a collection of stories, rather it's one big story about working together. All the stories are created and told by women, and give us insight, wise words and food for thought.