Masai stories

Maude McNair Rahbek

May 2021

Head Of Production at Masai

Maude is Masai’s production manager, so her responsibility includes the entire process of making each piece of clothing. Maude has extensive knowledge of textiles and manufacturing techniques, and her dedication to crafting the best possible garment from the very best materials available is a daily inspiration. Maude has travelled the world and is in close contact with the people who take the design and turn it into a beautiful fashion statement.

“Here at Masai, we’re extremely proud of our suppliers. Some of them we have worked with since the very first collection, so they know Masai as well as we do. It’s equally remarkable that our main suppliers are women, which lends a special understanding to the collections we create together. We don’t actually have very many suppliers, but we work extremely closely with the few we use. In fact, we work so closely that we sometimes get invited to a family wedding, or receive a joyful phone call with news of a daughter’s engagement. I feel so privileged, and it really warms my heart that I’m allowed to keep company with such wonderful women. I feel, too, that you have to consider how many women’s hands have touched a piece of Masai clothing before we hang it up in the shop, which makes you feel part of something bigger.”
Maude McNair Rakbek - Head of Production, Masai

MASAI STORIES er portretter som omhandler kvinneliv gjennom tanker og refleksjoner fra engasjerte og lidenskapelige kvinner. Historiene handler om diversitet, åpenhet, om mot og ikke minst om friheten til å være- og velge seg selv. Gjennom møtet med forskjellige kvinner, som inspirerer oss med sine livsvalg og kreativitet, ønsker vi å skape et unikt innblikk i kvinners univers. Slik viser vi skjønnheten og styrken som oppstår når lidenskap får mulighet til å utfolde seg, og når man velger å lytte til seg selv og gjøre det man drømmer om.

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Elisabeth Nielsen

Den dansk/ukrainske pianisten Elisabeth Nielsen begynte sin musikalske reise og ble fascinert av piano da hun var 5 år gammel. For henne er musikken et språk som får energi i møtet med publikum.

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Tanja is one of the creative women who help create the styles that go into the collection. Prints have always featured strongly in Masai’s DNA, and we take pride in creating beautiful, vibrant, artistic prints that are always unique to us.


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